Area 02 Membership

- The Area Committee is comprised of all Area Officers, District Committee Members (DCM) and chairs of Area standing committees. The Area Assembly is comprised of the Area Committee, the Area 02 Archivist, and the General Service Representatives (GSR).
- Alternates vote only if the regular DCM or GSR is not present.
- Each member of the Assembly has a single vote even though they may be serving theArea in more than one capacity.
Area officers include:
- Delegate
- Alternate Delegate
- Chair
- Alternate Chair
- Treasurer
- Alternate Treasurer
- Secretary
- Alternate Secretary
- The term of office shall be two years, commencing January 01 of an even-numbered year; to first attend an Area Committee business Assembly as a voting member in March of said year.
- Area officers filling a regular term are chosen by the Area Assembly, at an election Assembly held in the odd-numbered year, preceding the year in which office is assumed.
- Delegate
- Perform the duties specified in the AA Service Manual.
- By invitation, travel to districts for workshops, panels, and other service-related meetings.
- Attend the Pacific Region Alcoholics Anonymous Service Assembly (PRAASA).
- Attend the Pacific Regional Forum.
- Address the general fellowship during each Assembly business meeting on Saturday night immediately preceding the speaker.
- The newly elected delegate shall chair the Sunday morning meeting of the November Election Assembly.
- Coordinate with the Area Chair and the Election Assembly hosting committee at least six months prior to the Election Assembly to assist in establishing dates and invite the Pacific Region Trustee to the Area Election Assembly.
- Alternate Delegate
- Perform the duties of the Delegate in their absence.
- Attend PRAASA once during their term.
- Serve as the chair of the Archives Steering Committee.
- Serve as the Area representative on the Inter-Area Remote Communities Workgroup with Canadian areas and report back to the Area.
- Area Chair
- Perform the duties of Area Chair as outlined in the AA Service Manual.
- Conduct Area Committee business meetings and teleconferences.
- Appoint standing committee chairs, subject to confirmation at the next Area Assembly.
- Ensure members are appointed to the Communications and Technology and
Archives Steering Committees, according to the requirements of Sections III.D. and III.2.b. of the Area 02 Committee Handbook. - Attend the Pacific Region Alcoholics Anonymous Service Assembly (PRAASA) once during their term.
- Coordinate Assembly agendas with the hosting district and Area Secretary.
- Coordinate with the Delegate and the Election Assembly hosting committee, at least six months prior to the Election Assembly, to establish Assembly meeting dates and invite the Pacific Region Trustee to the Area Election Assembly.
- Recognizing that the Communications and Technology Committee may impact the Area’s relationship with entities outside of A.A., the Area Chair will ensure that at least one Area officer or past delegate serves on the committee.
- Alternate Area Chair
- Perform the duties of the Area Chair in their absence.
- Serve as the Area Registrar.
- Treasurer
- a. Receive contributions from AA groups, districts, and individual AA members;
maintain records of the monies received. - Make disbursements by check for such purposes as determined by the approved
Area budget, and maintain records of all disbursements. - Maintain a bank account for deposits and disbursements.
- a. Receive contributions from AA groups, districts, and individual AA members;
- Alternate Treasurer
- Serve as the Finance Committee chair.
- Serve as acting Treasurer in the absence of the Treasurer.
- In cooperation with the Finance Committee and the Treasurer, prepare a proposed biennial (2-year) budget, which includes supporting narrative descriptions for each budget line item, and historical contribution information, for adoption at the Budget Assembly.
- Secretary
- Revise and distribute updated address/phone mailing lists of Area Committee members after each Assembly and more frequently as necessary.
- Compile minutes of Assembly meetings and distribute, with attached committee reports and the final approved budget, to Area Committee members, the Area Archivist, the General Service Office (GSO) and Alaska Intergroup offices.
- Serve as Agenda Committee Chair, coordinate preparation of the Assembly agenda with the hosting district and the Area Chair, and distribute the Area Assembly agenda and other relevant material, such as, but not limited to, draft minutes from the immediate past Assembly, Treasurer’s Report and related materials, to Area Committee members.
- The Secretary shall distribute the items listed in subsections a, b, and c, above, to Area Committee members within three weeks of the last Assembly.
- Collect Assembly evaluation forms after each Area Assembly. Compile and distribute Assembly evaluations to both immediate past and upcoming hosting districts.
- Compile and distribute minutes from monthly Area teleconferences to Area Committee Members and the Area Archivist within one week of the last call.
- Maintain and update history of Area Assembly actions.
- Keep GSO updated on address changes for Area Committee members.
- Compile and distribute any other documents as required by the Area Committee regarding current Assembly actions.
- Transmit hard and electronic copies of reports and documents from Area Assemblies to the Area Archivist by the end of the term of service (two-year panel).
- Alternate Secretary
- Serve as acting Secretary in the absence of the Secretary.
- Assist the Secretary with preparing minutes and compiling reports of Assemblies and meetings of the Area Committee.
- Assist the Secretary with maintaining and distributing updated Area documents, including, but not limited to:
- History of Actions
- Area Committee Roster, including providing copies to GSO.
- List of past Area Assemblies
- Forms
- Approved Budget
No person may be elected to an Area officer position for more than one full term or
two-year panel. The following persons are eligible for office:
- Current and past DCMs
- Area officers, past and current
- AA members who are willing and qualified to serve (as outlined in the AA Service Manual).
- Agenda
- Archives
- Communications and Technology
- Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC)
- Corrections
- Finance
- Grapevine
- Literature
- Public Information (PI)
- Remote Communities
- Report and Charter
- Treatment