About Alaska Area 02

The state of Alaska has a single A.A. general service area, known as Area 02.
A general service area is a geographical division. The State of Alaska is a single general service area, Area 02.
Area 02 is currently comprised of nine active geographical sub-visions called districts. For additional information on Area 02 districts and the areas they serve, please refer to the Meetings page.
The Area 02 Committee consists of elected Officers, District Committee Members (DCMs) and the chairpersons of twelve standing committees. Area 02’s standing committee structure is closely aligned to that of A.A.’s General Service Conference committee structure.
The Area 02 Committee meets in monthly teleconferences. These calls are to report on the work of standing committees and to implement decisions made at assemblies. These calls are not to conduct or vote on business – that is done only at assembly.
The Area 02 Assembly consists of the Area 02 Committee members, General Service Representatives (GSRs) who are elected by their home groups across the state and the Area Archivist. “The area assembly is the mainspring of the Conference structure – the democratic voice of the movement expressing itself.” (as noted in the A.A. Service Manual).
To conduct its business, Area 02 Assembly meets in assembly four times each panel, or two-year period. The Assembly selects host districts in advance, any district wishing to host an assembly is eligible to bid a location in accordance with Area 02 guidelines. Voting members of each assembly consist of currently serving Area 02 Officers, DCM’s, Area Standing Committee Chairs, GSR’s and the Area Archivist.
In assembly, reports are heard and area affairs are discussed. In the spring of each year, at the Pre-Conference Assembly, we present our groups’ consciences to our delegate, for conveyance to the General Service Conference. In the fall of odd-numbered years, the Area 02 Election Assembly convenes to elect new officers, and the Area Delegate and Alternate Delegate to the General Service Conference. In the fall of even-numbered years, an Area 02 Budget Assembly is held, at which a budget is created and approved for the following two years.